The sword-shaped well Gheradategad is only 3 miles northwest of Patan on the highest peak of the Sahyadri. It is also known as Gantagiri and Sundergad. To reach the fort, drive 14 km via Jaichiwadi Vankuswade. The distance can be reached from the base of the fort. At the foot of the fort, in a scenic area, there is a temple of Bhairidevi, the village deity of Patan. The main remnants of the fort are the rock wells in the shape of a magnificent sword as well as the temples of Mahadev, Ganapati and Hanuman. At the western end of the fort, there is an original rectangular well dug in solid rock. But then she is shaped like a sword with a fist. There are a total of 41 steps carved in solid rock at the foot of the well. In the middle of the well, on the west side, a temple of Lord Mahadev has been excavated and its size is about 8 feet long, 7 feet wide and 6 feet high. The depth of water in the well cannot be stated. There is a temple of Ganapati and Maruti carved in the rock near Talwar well. The temple is completely open and there is no cover on it. In the square shaped excavations in the rock, there are idols of Ganapati facing south on the north wall and Maruti facing west on the east wall. On the west side of the temple are stone arches and underpasses.
The feature here is that the sun's rays fall on Ganpati while the sun is rising. As the sun sets in the evening, the rays of the sun come on the Maruti. Carved in such a structure, this temple gives a sense of the intellect of the sculptors of pre-history. 5 tanks are found in the excavated state to the north of the well. It is speculated that there may be a stable for horses or a granary. Situated in a scenic area, the fort offers a serpentine view of the Koyana river. Apart from Bhairavgad, Killemorgiri, windmill project, The Sahyadri mountain ranges are easily visible in this area and sunrise and sunset can also be seen from the fort.
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